Tuesday, July 26, 2011

DAY 12: The Adventures of a Vegan Carnivore

Original Post Date: Sat, Mar 5, 2011

Today was a good day!! My friend Mandy and I went rock climbing at a gym in Concord today. Super fun, super tiring for your fingers and arms! But I got all juiced up with a second try of my quinoa/millet cereal. This time, I added peanut butter instead of almond butter and a dash of real maple syrup. It was gooey-licious! I think perfection can be reached next time with the addition of a banana.

I was a cooking fool upon my return from my rock climbing escapades. So much so that my roommate commented “Wow, look at you doing all that food prep!” I realized in that moment how long it’s really been since I’ve actually cooked as much as I have recently. I used to cook all the time, but let’s face it – NO ONE likes making meals for just 1. So the roommate says that she wouldn’t mind if I cooked and she ate!

On my plate today is a definite crowd pleaser, quinoa pasta with veggies (mushrooms, spinach, squash and zucchini) with an organic tomato basil sauce. This is one of my favorite meals! And for dinner, I made some more veggies with rice fully planning on an Asian-inspired dish with organic tamari (aka soy sauce). But inspiration of another kind took hold. I ended up frying the rice that I prepared with some southwestern seasoning, Cuban style black-beans and a little salsa. Veggies with a southwest rice mix – can you say magnifique? Good stuff.

The end of my evening is just as good. It’s time for some Bolthouse Farms juice. It’s GREEN. And I mean thick and green. Green like the green grass; green like the pine green crayon in a Crayola box; green like algae floating on a lake. This stuff is green! And I am drinking it and … wait for it … LOVING IT!

Closing thought … I prefer this kind of day to yesterday!

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